Il Presidente Napolitano: «Rispettare il Tricolore è un dovere per chi ha ruoli di governo»

09 dicembre 2010

Wikileaks: il Nicaragua e le brigate rosse

Dai cablegate provenienti da Managua, in Nicaragua, viene fuori la storia della fuga dei brigatisti rossi nella terra della rivoluzione Sandinista.
Il presidente Ortega ha ammesso di proteggere e di aver dato la cittadinanza a questi fuggiaschi; il caso vuole che Ortega abbia ammesso pure di aver preso soldi dalla Libia di Gheddafi.

¶21. (SBU) Sources: Ortega has publicly admitted many of his
terrorist connections, including the fact that he has
received elections money from the government of Libya. Many
1980s terrorists still live in Nicaragua and have acquiRED
Nicaraguan citizenship (including at least one prominent
member of the Italian RED BRIGADES), Ortega publicly
associated with many of these individuals in Nicaragua
throughout the 1980s.
¶14. (SBU) Sources: Daniel Ortega has publicly admitted many
of his terrorist connections, including the fact that he has
received elections money from the government of Libya. Many
1980s terrorists still live in NICARAGUA and have acquiRED

NICARAGUAn citizenship (including at least one prominent
member of the Italian RED Brigades). Daniel Ortega publicly
associated with many of these individuals in NICARAGUA
throughout the 1980s.
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