Dal sito www.ilga-europe.org
International human rights documents:
Italy has signed but not yet ratified Protocol No. 12 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Italy was a signatory to the 2007 UN Declaration on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.
Criminal law:
Consenting same-sex sexual acts are legal.
The age of consent is equal for all sexual acts.
Discrimination on the basis on sexual orientation is prohibited in the area of employment.
Partnership recognition:
Italy does not provide any legal recognition of same-sex partnerships.
Parenting rights:
Neither joint nor second parent adoption is available to same-sex couples in Italy.
Law on hate and violence:
Laws on hate and violence do not refer to sexual orientation or gender identity and do not recognise sexual orientation neither gender identity as aggravating factor.
L'Italia dovrebbe essere uno Stato moderno e laico ma l'impietosa classifica dell'Ilga ci vede in compagnia di paese cattolici, ortodossi o musulmani in una situazione ibrida che non rispecchia l'esigenze di un paese che vuole lasciarsi alle spalle l'omofobia e la xenofobia che si stanno riacuttizzando a causa dei partiti al governo.
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